Responding to Negative Reviews on TripAdvisor: A Smart Guide for Hoteliers

Responding to Negative Reviews on TripAdvisor: A Smart Guide for Hoteliers

In the modern era, online reviews are a crucial part of any business. As a hotelier, you are likely to encounter negative reviews on platforms like TripAdvisor, which can potentially impact your business. It is crucial to address these reviews professionally and constructively to mitigate their effects and turn the situation around. In this blog, we'll explore some key strategies on how to smartly respond to negative reviews on TripAdvisor.

Understanding the Importance of Reviews

It's important to acknowledge the power of online reviews. According to a study by BrightLocal, 91% of consumers read online reviews, and 84% trust them as much as personal recommendations. In the hospitality industry, these numbers are especially telling. When handled correctly, a negative review can be transformed into an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to customer service and to improve the guest experience.

Steps to Smartly Respond to Negative Reviews

1. Always Respond

As a rule of thumb, never leave negative reviews unanswered. Ignoring them can create the impression that you don't value feedback or are not committed to resolving issues.

2. Be Prompt and Timely

Time is of the essence when responding to negative reviews. A quick response shows the reviewer and other prospective customers that you are proactive and take customer feedback seriously.

3. Acknowledge and Apologize

The first step in your response should be to acknowledge the problem and apologize sincerely. Express regret for the reviewer's experience and assure them you are taking their feedback into consideration. It demonstrates empathy and understanding, and it starts the conversation on a positive note.

4. Investigate the Issue

Before responding, make sure you understand the specifics of the complaint. This may involve talking to staff or checking records. If the reviewer has pointed out legitimate problems, addressing them specifically in your response will show that you're committed to resolving issues.

5. Provide an Explanation

If there was a misunderstanding or a unique circumstance that led to the problem, politely explain it in your response. However, avoid using this as an excuse or it may seem like you are dismissing the reviewer's experience.

6. Offer a Solution

If possible, offer a solution to the problem. It could be a refund, a complimentary service, or a pledge to fix the issue. Make sure the solution is appropriate for the problem at hand.

7. Take the Conversation Offline

For complex issues, consider inviting the reviewer to discuss the problem privately through email or a phone call. It allows for more personal interaction and prevents the airing of further issues in a public forum.

8. End on a Positive Note

Finish your response by thanking the reviewer for their feedback and reiterating your commitment to improving their experience. This leaves a positive impression and indicates your willingness to improve.

Examples of Responding to Negative Reviews

Let's look at an example of a good response:

Dear [Reviewer's Name],

Thank you for taking the time to share your recent experience at our hotel. We sincerely apologize for the issues you encountered during your stay. We understand your frustration and we want to assure you that we take your feedback seriously.

Our goal is to provide a consistently reliable product and an exemplary level of customer service. It's clear that we fell short in your case. The issue has been forwarded to our housekeeping and maintenance departments for review and immediate action.

We would love to have another chance to provide you with a better experience. Please feel free to contact us directly at [your email address], so we can ensure your next stay is enjoyable.

Once again, thank you for your valuable feedback.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]


While no hotelier wants to receive negative reviews, they are inevitable. Remember that your response to these reviews matters just as much, if not more, than the review itself. Responding to them effectively and professionally can enhance your reputation and show your commitment to customer satisfaction. Negative reviews, when handled correctly, can serve as stepping stones towards improvement and can help you deliver an even better customer experience in the future.